
Create address

This is example of usage Address class. The address class implements the work with addresses controlled by a private key. Supports the ability to create P2WPKH, P2PKH, PUBKEY address types and P2SH_P2WPKH as exception for SEGWIT adoption. It is recommended to use native SEGWIT address type - P2WPKH, which reduces costs of miner fee and expand block capacity. To create an address, you need to create a class object. Buy default, will be created P2WPKH address for mainnet.

>>> import pybtc
>>> a = pybtc.Address()
>>> a.address
>>> a.private_key.wif
>>> # create P2PKH legacy format
>>> pybtc.Address(address_type="P2PKH").address
>>> # create testnet address
>>> pybtc.Address(address_type="P2PKH", testnet=True).address
>>> # create P2SH_P2WPKH SEGWIT adoption address
>>> pybtc.Address(address_type="P2SH_P2WPKH").address

Get address from key

In case you already have private or public key you can object from your key.

>>> a = pybtc.Address('L5XKGA2xEHcinWEpmyiABS1bqQux8Av5dGVqcpRtVJC3ZCR5sXUe')
>>> a.address
>>> a.public_key.hex
>>> # get address from public key
>>> pub = pybtc.PublicKey('03b8b44876e1f45be7e42953ea47026c39cc45341344d3ab32701b93de696107af')
>>> pybtc.Address(pub).address

Pure functions for address

Create private key

>>> import pybtc
>>> pybtc.create_private_key()
>>> pybtc.create_private_key(compressed=False)
>>> pybtc.is_wif_valid('5Jw8DY1uBrd35xup6eD6KLEFa4AJFbX381HWuHvPGirJto9ZTnr')
>>> pybtc.is_wif_valid('5Jw8DY1uBrd35xup6eD6KLEFa4AJFbX381**********Jto9ZTnr')

Get public key from private key

>>> import pybtc
>>> pybtc.private_to_public_key('5Jw8DY1uBrd35xup6eD6KLEFa4AJFbX381HWuHvPGirJto9ZTnr')
>>> pybtc.public_key_to_address('0479f17a94410afd4f27588a192bacada53add0741765092dc0f8e2a29ea1bcd276dbc1ef74c3e0172d9db8047f2a0a5dc2e8e51a13f7f0cc072de906b765e0f7f')
>>> # this is uncompressed public key, so we can't create witness address
>>> # we have to set witness_version to None to get non segwit address
>>> pub = pybtc.private_to_public_key('5Jw8DY1uBrd35xup6eD6KLEFa4AJFbX381HWuHvPGirJto9ZTnr')
>>> pybtc.public_key_to_address(pub, witness_version=None)


>>> pybtc.is_address_valid('17mXwxxZRmj1nJJzDszZbW9URSAradEuAt')
>>> pybtc.address_type('17mXwxxZRmj1nJJzDszZbW9URSAradEuAt')
>>> pybtc.address_net_type('17mXwxxZRmj1nJJzDszZbW9URSAradEuAt')

Create script address